
Job Search

Get a Featured Profile and increase your visibility to recruiters up to 3 times.

Enrolment validity: Lifetime

About This Course

  • Upload your resume and we ll help you in jobs finding Fill in your profile details and let our unique matching technology bring you the most relevant job opportunities.
  • Equip yourself for a great career Research industries and employ our career services to be better equipped for your professional life.

Are you stuck in Searching a right job?

  1. Tried to upload your resume at various job portals and still not able to find the right opportunities?
  2. Seeking opportunity at your local place ?
  3. Looking for Job Satisfaction with proper hike and good growth?
  4. Not working currently or left your job long back and looking for new options to enter again ?
  5. Looking for opportunities in India as well as abroad ?
  6. Are you Certified by various training and skills and looking for opportunities to implement them in your new organization?
  7. Do you have a good experience and finding it difficult to apply on the right place to find the job?
  8. Are you looking for some better assistance that could provide you lifetime growth and recommendations ?
  9. Are you seeking opportunities IT Software, Hardware and Networking, Human Resource, Construction or Healthcare?
  10. Are you serious for the above and looking to land yourself on a better platform?

What we expect from you !

  1. Your updated resume to check out for your eligibility and available opportunities.
  2. All self attested scanned copies of your documents whenever required and asked by official mail of the organization.
  3. Good conversation and ability to pitch out your requirement in search of your job opportunities.
  4. Keeping patience and healthy discussion with concerned Consultant/Job Expert,
  5. Wait time of not more than 30 days from start of your journey in Job Search, within this period we assure you to give best results.
  6. Good reference from Candidate are welcomed to strengthen our Client-Referral-Certybox proposals.

What we do with your Profile ?

  1. We fetch you relevant opportunities on time.
  2. We buildup your trust with various HRs, Referral Employees, and Organizations.
  3. We work on your Profile – Resume as well as Linkedin
  4. We give you right assistance for you future growth and opportunities.
  5. We discuss your needs in the present and value your time and money as well.
  6. We discuss your past experience and guide you how to achieve more.
  7. We circulate your resume on your behalf with best profile matching.
  8. We make you stand different from the crowd by proper guidance from various sources.

Target Audience

  • Individuals who are struggling with finding a job in today’s market.
  • Job seekers who are sending dozens or more resumes a day, with little or no response.
  • College Graduates facing the challenges of entering the workforce for the first time, competing with experienced job seekers.
  • Individuals that are re-entering job searching after many years and don’t understand the new technology and processes of finding a job.
  • People who are already employed, looking to make a move and don’t know how to get their job search started.
  • Those who are getting interviews, but not the offers.
  • Those who are willing to put in the work and take action to go beyond the basics of job searching.


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